
11 Great Zimbabwe novels that should be turned into movies

 There are so many great Zimbabwean novels that should have been turned into novels already. It is a shame that they have not converted these captivating tales into cinema. In no particular order. Harvest of Thorns by Shimmer Chinodya A book about the Rhodesian bush war also known as Chimurenga 2. Action packed and full of drama. Takadini by Ben Hanson I read it in a high school. It's about an albino boy growing up in a hostile environment in precolonial Africa. Nguo Dzouswa by Aaron Chiundura Moyo Written by Zimbabwean literary legend Aaron Chiundura Moyo. It delves into the treacherous world of politics. China Manenji Hachifambisi by M.A Hamutyinei Jekanyika by Francis Magugu Tambaoga Mwanangu by Giles Kuimba Maidei by Mordekai Hamutyinei Sajeni Chimedza by J Kawara Nhume Yamambo by N.M Mutasa Mlimo by Mziki Soldier Blue by Paul Williams

Book Review: March of the Titans by Arthur Kemp

March of the Titans by Arthur Kemp is the complete history of the White Race. To summarise it suggests that all civilisation comes from the White Race and race mixing with non-whites lead to their destruction. The ancient Egyptians were white. The ancient Sumerians were white. The founders of the Chinese civilisation were white. The ruling elite of Roman empire were Nordic whites. And all the great civilisations collapsed when whites race mixed and interbred with non-whites thus bringing their societies to ruin.  Now I am not a historian, archaeologist or biologist so I do not have a clue whether Arthur Kemp is right about whites being the source of all civilisation. However, I did enjoy the book and it is a delightful read. Though it is 1689 pages I sailed through the giant book like it was a pamphlet. My thoughts on the book Culture is a product of race I think Arthur Kemp is right in stating that a certain people will create a society and a culture that reflects their intellectual

I wasted 2 hours of my life watching The Northman

  I had heard about The Northman movie many times from Youtubers and from the critics giving it raving reviews.  How Northman got 90% on Rotten Tomatoes I will never understand. Many times I had heard people say it is a great movie and fans were heaping praise on the film. So I decided to watch the Northman. I was expecting to see something akin to Ragnar from the Vikings series. And I was disappointed. I felt like I wasted 2 hours of my life. The Northman is a poor man's Hamlet. The magic scenes and hallucinations are too long and waste a lot of screen time. The ending was very unsatisfying. I am not one for sad endings that seem pointless. It would have been better if Amleth and Olga escaped and lived happily ever after. A few things did not make sense to me Where did the boat come from that got Amleth and his blonde girlfriend, Olga? So Amleth and Olga escape and all of a sudden there is a boat waiting for them? How could Queen Gudrun not recognise her own son? Even if 20 yea

Book Review : Mugabe by Martin Meredith

  One of the best books I ever read on the former president of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe is the work of Martin Meredith called Mugabe : Power, Plunder and the Struggle for Zimbabwe. It is easy to read because Martin Meredith is a natural writer. It feels like you are having a conversation with a friend. The book is a must read for anyone interested in the history of Zimbabwe. My thoughts on the book Mugabe does come across as a bit biased. Yes, Mugabe was a tyrant. He has been described by his numerous enemies as the 'apostle of Satan' and a 'bloodthirsty Marxist'. Mugabe is a man who had the blood of innocent people on his hands. He is a man who didn't die a hero but lived long enough to become the villain. Mugabe oversaw the Ndebele genocide known as Gukurahundi in the early 80s. He was the architect of the disastrous land grabs that saw white farmers driven off their farms thus causing the downfall of the Zimbabwean economy. Hunger and poverty would be the result, s

TV Show Review : Rhodes Series 1996

I just watched the 8 episodes of the Rhodes series that was created in 1996. I encourage everyone to watch it. It looks at the life and career of Cecil John Rhodes, the mining magnate and imperialist. Cecil John Rhodes is often painted as an oppressor, racist and evil man. But Rhodes makes the viewer sympathise with Cecil Rhodes. It humanises him. I would give Rhodes a 9/10. Every episode is well written. The script is impeccable. The acting is realistic. The costumes are flawless and are an accurate portrayal of the 19th century. The cinematography is breathtaking and the soundtracks heighten the sense of adventure. You feel like you are a part of the journey with Cecil John Rhodes. Do watch Rhodes. It is free on Youtube. With that being said, it is amazing what Rhodes achieved in such a short life. He died at only 43 years old on 26 March 1902. Was he a racist? Yes. Was he an ambitious imperialist? Yes. But he was also a man of his time. If he was alive today Cecil Rhodes would pro

TV Shows that started out good but ended badly

  A few shows are able to remain interesting and consistent. Sopranos, the Shield, Breaking Bad and the Wire were fun and intriguing from beginning to end. On there other hand there are tv shows that started out great and somewhere in the middle they lost their way and the story got stale. Vikings Vikings was and is one of the greatest shows I have ever seen. The opening music theme set the tone and got me at the edge of my seat. Ragnar Lothbrok was one of the most charismatic characters I have ever seen. The actor that played the part did an amazing job. The first three seasons of Vikings were enthralling. There was action, battle scenes, romance, comedy and drama.  However, after Ragnar dies in a pit of snakes, the series went downhill. The whole story of his three sons looking to avenge the death of their father started well but became nonsensical. I doubt the real Ivar the Boneless crawled on his belly. Looking at the character who played Ivar moving on all fours was unbearable.

10 Historical events that should be turned into movies

I am tired of the Cleopatra films and American slave movies. Every few years they churn out these movies and people are tired of it. I speak on behalf of the whole world when I say we are sick of Cleopatra and slave movies. I will never understand why the following events haven't been depicted on the film. If I had a billion dollars or a magic wand I would turn these historical events into movies. The Maccabean Revolt 160 BCE A group of Jewish zealots fight and defeat the Seleucid Greeks. Judah Maccabbee is the Jewish Braveheart. The Roman Jewish War and the fall of Jerusalem 66-73 CE A great historical event that still has ramifications to this very day. The destruction of the Jewish temple was a moment that haunted Jews for thousands of years and yet no movie has been made about it.  The Bar Kokhba rebellion and the third Roman Jewish War 132 CE Another moment in history that had great consequences. It led to the exile of Jews from their homeland for thousands of years and the re