Who killed Tony Soprano and why?


Throughout Season 6 it is stressed that Butchie DeConcini does not like Tony Soprano. Tony and Butchie meet on several occasions and in all of them Butchie does not hide his disdain for Tony Soprano.

There is a subtle clue that points to the fact that it was Butchie who had Tony Soprano whacked. When they are in the warehouse with Little Carmine discussing a truce there is a moment where Butchie leans forward and the words CAT in orange appear behind him. The colour orange symbolises death and the orange cat that Tony finds in the safe house is a bad omen like Paulie said it was.

 Furthermore, if Butchie could betray Phil, his own boss then what would stop him 

from betraying Tony Soprano who he resented? If I was David Chase Tony’s killer 

would have been wearing a New York cap to further hammer home the point that it was 

New York that whacked Tony, but I digress.

As to why Tony was killed the answer is obvious. It is mafia protocol that you cannot kill a Made man in front of his family. In six seasons of the Sopranos we never saw anyone get whacked in front of his family. Then Phil got killed before the very eyes of his wife and grandkids. This breach of mafia protocol would not go unpunished. Thus Tony had to be killed in front of AJ, Carmela and Meadow as revenge.


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