Order will be restored when the Munhumutapa king returns

Monarchy is the most natural form of government. The royal institution has the ability to last for centuries and even thousands of years like the Egyptian Pharaohs, Roman Emperors and Ottoman Sultans have shown. Democracies and republics do have their positive sides but they rarely last for centuries. They are unstable institutions that cater to the whims of the mobs or those with deep pockets. All forms of governance all end up as oligarchies or monarchial rule. 

Should Shonas have a ceremonial Munhumutapa king?

Once upon a time the land between the rivers Zambezi and Limpopo was ruled by Munhumutapa kings. It was great dynasty of Mutapa kings that reigned for over 300 years. It was a golden age for the Karanga people where we traded ivory with the Portuguese and our people were clothed in silk and ate from porcelain plates and cups. And yet today it seems we have forgotten about our Mutapan history. It does seem that Shonas have lost their culture except for roora bride price.

Munhumutapa kings were great and world known

We must make Great Zimbabwe our Mecca

Mutapa coat of arms

Our lack of a king or unity is what made the Shonas susceptible to the attacks from the Nguni warrior tribes that came from the south. If we had a Munhumutapa king in the 1800s we would have been able to defend ourselves. Have we found ourselves in the same predicament? Is our lack of a traditional king the reason we are in a continuous downward spiral?

Have Shonas lost their culture?

For now it seems as if Shonas are obsessed with politics and party affiliation. You are either Zanu or MDC. We Zimbabweans are divided by language, geographical location and class. But it is my belief that having a Munhumutapa king is the one thing that can unite us as a people and bring about a better tomorrow. I marvel at the sight of the Zulu king leading the Zulu nation during traditional ceremonies. It is truly a splendid spectacle to see the leopard wearing Zulus waving their shields and spears as they sing traditional songs with pride.

So what now?

Like South Africans have a Heritage Day where they dress up in traditional attire and take pride in their culture we too as Zimbabweans must have a Heritage day where we remember our past and take pride in our customs. We must play the mbira and sing songs of a distant past. We must go to the zimbabwe ruins like the Muslims go to Mecca and pay homage to our ancestral past. And having a Munhumutapa king is the icing on the cake. We should have a Munhumutapa king, especially from the Hungwe clan who must lead the people in traditional ceremonies and unite us as a people. Streets and schools must bear the names of great Munhumutapa kings such as Gatsi Rusere, Nyatsimba Mutota and all the others. It goes without saying that the Munhumutapa king will be a ceremonial role. The Munhumutapa king will be like Queen Elizabeth and have little influence in political affairs. Ndebeles too must be allowed to have their king to unite them. 

I believe that in Zimbabwe order will be restored when the Munhumutapa king from the Hungwe clan returns and we honour the Mutapa kings that came before. Then and only then will Zimbabwe rise. 

I wrote a book series called The Shona Chronicles that delves into Shona culture and history. Check it out.



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