10 Historical events that should be turned into movies

I am tired of the Cleopatra films and American slave movies. Every few years they churn out these movies and people are tired of it. I speak on behalf of the whole world when I say we are sick of Cleopatra and slave movies. I will never understand why the following events haven't been depicted on the film. If I had a billion dollars or a magic wand I would turn these historical events into movies.

The Maccabean Revolt 160 BCE

A group of Jewish zealots fight and defeat the Seleucid Greeks. Judah Maccabbee is the Jewish Braveheart.

The Roman Jewish War and the fall of Jerusalem 66-73 CE

A great historical event that still has ramifications to this very day. The destruction of the Jewish temple was a moment that haunted Jews for thousands of years and yet no movie has been made about it. 

The Bar Kokhba rebellion and the third Roman Jewish War 132 CE

Another moment in history that had great consequences. It led to the exile of Jews from their homeland for thousands of years and the renaming of Judea to Palestine. Problems from 2000 years still affect the world to this day. Simon bar Kochba was another failed Messiah who whilst brave led his nation to ruin. 

The Battle of Tours 732 CE

Charles Martel defeating the Muslims at Tours in 732 saved Europe from Islamicisation. Without that victory history would have been very different and Europeans would be speaking Arabic today. Charles Martel should be honoured for his bravery by making a film about him. Considering how Europe today is being quickly conquered by Muslims via migration it is more important than ever to remind people of the threat that Islam has posed for Europe for a thousand years.

The Zanj Rebellion 883 CE

The Arab slave trade is not talked about enough. Every few years we have movies about the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and the public is tired of these movies. The enslavement of Africans by Arabs happened for a longer period and was far more barbaric than the American slave trade. Millions of Africans were dragged to the Arab world, many were castrated and died from their wounds. The slavery was so horrible that the African slaves fought a war of liberation against the Abbasid Caliphate in 883CE. One Ali Ibn Muhammad led the rebellion that was ultimately crushed by the Arabs. Nevertheless, I hope one day there can be a big budget Hollywood flick about the Zanj Rebellion.

The Voyages of Zheng He 1405

I am honestly tired of seeing kung fu movies that revolve around the over used plot of revenge against a villain who killed the hero's master. There are other subjects from Chinese history to make movies about. Producers can make movies about the lives of Sun Tzu and Confucius. Or Bi Sheng the inventor of the printing press, Wei Boyang the inventor of gunpowder, Shen Kuo the inventor of the compass, Cai Lun the inventor of paper and Zheng He  the explorer. Not every Chinese movie has to be about kung fu and not every Japanese film has to be about the samurai.

In the 15th century the Chinese seafarer Zheng He embarked on seven voyages around the world. While there have been many documentaries on the subject it would be cool to actually see a movie about Zheng Ye who was the greatest Chinese mariner of all time. 

The fall of Constantinople 1453 CE

Turks conquering Constantinople and bringing about the end of the Roman empire is something that should be seen in a movie theatre. The last Roman empire throwing himself into battle knowing he would perish is something that should be captured on film and not just read about. (On a sidenote I still don't understand why there aren't more cities named Constantinople in honour of the fallen city).

The Spanish Reconquest 1492 CE

The greatest comeback in all of history. After 700 years of Islamic rule the Christians retake their land and become an empire. The reconquesta has everything required to make a great movie. It has romance, battles and victory.

The Battle of Vienna 1683 CE

The Battle of Vienna on 12 September 1683 is another pivotal moment in history. It stopped the Ottomans from conquering all of western Europe. John Sobieski leading the cavalry and routing the Turks should be depicted on film for the world to see. The thousand year old rivalry between the cross and crescent ended that day.

The Rise of the House of Saudi 1727

The story of the House of Saudi is an interesting one. I can see a trilogy of movies being made about the House of Saudi. The first movie would be about the Emirate of Diriyah which began in 1727. The second movie would be about the Emirate of Nejd which lasted until 1891. The third and final movie would be about the Emirate of Riyadh and see the rise of Ibn Saudi and the making of the modern Saudi Arabia state. It is amazing how the House of Saudi rose to prominence and turned a desert into a modern country that is safe and prosperous. With all the money the Saudis have there is no excuse to not make a big budget movie about the House of Saudi.


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