Chaminuka the Black Jesus

One of the most prominent Shona prophets is Chaminuka aka Pasipamire Tsuro. He was born circa 1808 and was killed in April 1883 by Ndebeles on the orders of King Lobengula. It is said that he was a man of peace and a miracle worker who could make rain. Chaminuka was a healer who cured people's sicknesses and it is said he was a prophet who predicted the coming of colonialism and the downfall of King Lobengula. He is venerated today by Shona people in song and poetry.

Chaminuka has many things in common with Jesus of Nazareth.

Both were spirit mediums in a sense. Pasipamire Tsuro is said to have been possessed by the spirit of Chaminuka. Jesus was possessed by the Holy Spirit.

Chaminuka was a healer of sickness and so was Jesus.

Chaminuka was a miracle worker who could command the rain to fall. He could speak to wild animals. Jesus was also a wonder worker who could stop storms and he also spoke to pigs.

Chaminuka was a man of peace and Jesus was a man of peace.

Chaminuka foresaw the destruction of the Ndebele kingdom. Jesus foresaw the destruction of the Jewish Temple.

Chaminuka was a clairvoyant who predicted the coming a new age that being colonialism. Jesus was a prophet predicted the coming of the kingdom of heaven.

Chaminuka run afoul of the ruling hegemony that being the Ndebele and was killed by them. Jesus offended the Roman empire and was executed by them.

If you would like to know more about Chaminuka's life and death, get my book The Prophet Chaminuka.


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