11 Great Zimbabwe novels that should be turned into movies
There are so many great Zimbabwean novels that should have been turned into novels already. It is a shame that they have not converted these captivating tales into cinema. In no particular order.
Harvest of Thorns by Shimmer Chinodya
A book about the Rhodesian bush war also known as Chimurenga 2. Action packed and full of drama.
Takadini by Ben Hanson
I read it in a high school. It's about an albino boy growing up in a hostile environment in precolonial Africa.
Nguo Dzouswa by Aaron Chiundura Moyo
Written by Zimbabwean literary legend Aaron Chiundura Moyo. It delves into the treacherous world of politics.
China Manenji Hachifambisi by M.A Hamutyinei
Jekanyika by Francis Magugu
Tambaoga Mwanangu by Giles Kuimba
Maidei by Mordekai Hamutyinei
Sajeni Chimedza by J Kawara
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