The Genius Philosophy of Team America : World Police


Team America : World Police might seem like a silly comedy about puppets at first glance but it isn't. Team America is a movie that transcends comedy. It is a critic about Hollywood, politics and makes fun of everything American. I enjoyed the movie and implore anyone who hasn't watched it to give it a look. It is funny and while you are laughing the truth is injected into your subconscious. 

The best part of the movie is about assholes, pussies and dicks. Dicks just want to fuck all the time. Pussies think everyone can get along. Assholes just want to shit all over everything. Sometimes the pussies get mad at dicks for fucking them but dicks also fuck assholes and if they didn't everyone would be covered in shit. 

The final speech is also a goldmine. Gary explains how the pussies keep dicks in line but sometimes pussies are so full of shit they become assholes.

It is an analogy that is apt and can be used to relate to everything from dealing with noisy neighbours to global politics.

Take for example the Israel Palestine conflict. 

Israel are the dicks who just want to fuck all the time, they blow shit up and kill people. 

Palestinians are the assholes who just want to shit all over everyone (Check why they were kicked out of Kuwait and Jordan and Lebanon). 

Liberals and America are the pussies who just want everyone to get along.

Using the Team America philosophy it is clear that Israel must sometimes fuck the Palestinians so they dont shit all over everyone. And sometimes America must keep Israel in line but sometimes America is so full of shit they are like assholes. It is a fine balance that often gets out of line but it is the way of the world.

Another example was South Africa under apartheid and Rhodesia. 

The colonial whites were the dicks who kept the communist revolutionaries in check, the liberal west were the pussies who wanted everyone to get along. In this instance, the pussies forced the dicks to stop fucking the assholes and now everyone is covered in shit. Meaning, the liberals forced the colonialist to stop fighting the communists and now Zimbabwe South Africa and the whole of the third world are shit holes. 

Another example is World war 2. 

The Nazis, the Fascists and the Japanese who were the assholes who wanted to shit on everyone. Chamberlain and the peacemongers were the pussies who wanted everyone to get along. As a result of the pussies, the assholes shat all over the whole world and it was up to the American dicks to fuck up the assholes. 

So in conclusion, one must decided in life whether they want to be a dick, a pussy or an asshole. It is better to be a dick but one needs a pussy to rein in the excesses of the dick. And assholes really serve no purpose and one should never be so much of a pussy they become an asshole. 

And when it comes to electing leaders it is better to vote for a dick than an asshole.


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