TV Show Review : Rhodes Series 1996

I just watched the 8 episodes of the Rhodes series that was created in 1996. I encourage everyone to watch it. It looks at the life and career of Cecil John Rhodes, the mining magnate and imperialist. Cecil John Rhodes is often painted as an oppressor, racist and evil man. But Rhodes makes the viewer sympathise with Cecil Rhodes. It humanises him. I would give Rhodes a 9/10. Every episode is well written. The script is impeccable. The acting is realistic. The costumes are flawless and are an accurate portrayal of the 19th century. The cinematography is breathtaking and the soundtracks heighten the sense of adventure. You feel like you are a part of the journey with Cecil John Rhodes. Do watch Rhodes. It is free on Youtube.

With that being said, it is amazing what Rhodes achieved in such a short life. He died at only 43 years old on 26 March 1902. Was he a racist? Yes. Was he an ambitious imperialist? Yes. But he was also a man of his time. If he was alive today Cecil Rhodes would probably be like Elon Musk. To some people like native Africans and white Afrikaners he was the devil incarnate. To English speaking white Africans he was the Anglo-Saxon Messiah. But noone can deny he was a great man. He was one of the few men in history who could mold reality to his will. Rhodes was like Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Constantine and all the titans of history. He could drag destiny by the scruff of the neck. 

Rhodes founded new countries and expanded the British empire. Had he lived longer, I believe he could have united southern Africa into one country. Perhaps southern Africa could be like the United State of America. Southern Rhodesia Northern Rhodesia, Botswana and Malawi would have surely joined the Union of South Africa.

Rhodes left no children, perhaps because he was homosexual. But he left money that funded Rhodes scholarship and built universities. Thus, he has many heirs in those who have benefited from his tireless work. 

Though he is dead and buried in Southern Rhodesia nowadays Zimbabwe, he will never be forgotten. Though the Rhodesia nations he founded and named after him are just a memory, his legacy is immortal. They can remove his statues and rename roads and states named after him, but noone can erase his name from the history books. 


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