Book Review: March of the Titans by Arthur Kemp
March of the Titans by Arthur Kemp is the complete history of the White Race. To summarise it suggests that all civilisation comes from the White Race and race mixing with non-whites lead to their destruction. The ancient Egyptians were white. The ancient Sumerians were white. The founders of the Chinese civilisation were white. The ruling elite of Roman empire were Nordic whites. And all the great civilisations collapsed when whites race mixed and interbred with non-whites thus bringing their societies to ruin.
Now I am not a historian, archaeologist or biologist so I do not have a clue whether Arthur Kemp is right about whites being the source of all civilisation. However, I did enjoy the book and it is a delightful read. Though it is 1689 pages I sailed through the giant book like it was a pamphlet.
My thoughts on the book
Culture is a product of race
I think Arthur Kemp is right in stating that a certain people will create a society and a culture that reflects their intellectual abilities. Whites will create a social system that is unique to them. Blacks will create a civilisation that mirrors their culture. Asians will construct a civilisation that only they can build. Blacks will never build a white civilisation and whites will never build a Asian civilisation. Different races and groups evolved in different climates and have certain attributes that helped them survive in those environments. When Whites become a minority or disappear, the civilisation will reflect that. When blacks become a minority or disappear their society will go along with them. Which is why whites were able to build a European-like civilisation in Africa and why Africans built an African-like civilisation in the Caribbean.
Whites are too extroverted to form an ethnostate
Kemp mourns the fact that white civilisations get overrun by non-whites and eventually die off. But that is only because whites invite foreigners in. White civilisation follows a cycle. First they expand, then they assimilate non whites and finally they race mix into oblivion. The Greeks, Romans and Indo-Europeans were all expansionist and created multi-cultural empires. And multicultural empires inevitable lead to race mixing. The Chinese and Japanese nations tend to be more introverted. Historically, they have tried to close off their societies from foreigners. The Chinese built a massive wall to keep out the invaders and during the Tokugawa Shogunate the Japanese banned all foreigners. That time of introversion is impossible for whites who have a wanderlust that is a blessing and a curse. Ultimately, it does seem that Europeans will become a minority in their own countries. The fact that they do not have many children certainly does not help.
The "White Man's Burden"
During the age of conquest, Europeans believed that they had to carry the "white man's burden" which meant it was the duty of white people to look after the uncivilised masses and bring them civilisation. It is true that white colonisation brough many benefits but colonisation was certainly not a charity event. Back then the 'white man's burden' was just an excuse to conquer and plunder the world. The "uncivilised" races did not beg whites to come and save them. Back then the Africans, native Americans and Australian Aborigines just wanted to be left alone. Today the coloniser has become the colonised. London looks like Kabul and Paris looks like Lagos. Europe is being quietly conquered by the children of those who demanded freedom from colonialism.
With that said, today the white man's burden is a real thing. Millions flock to Europe and America to look for jobs and a better life. It is very clear that non-whites cannot take of themselves in a highly advanced technological world. Only the North East Asians are capable of maintaining a first world country. Now the white man must decide if he still wants to carry the burden or shut out the non-whites and leave them in the "shit hole" countries to languish.
Sloth and Lust
Sloth and lust have been described as deadly sins. And truly, lust and sloth will destroy civilisation. The need for slaves and cheap labour has been the death knell of many civilisations. If a people are too lazy to do their own menial labour and get slaves and cheap labourers to do it for them, in time the slaves will become a majority. And sooner or later the ruling elite will race mix with the slaves and everything will fall apart. That is where the lust comes in and people begin having sex for fun and not for child making. Homosexuality, porn and prostitution become prevalent and the population decreases.
Ethnostates are the best societies
Multiculturalism does not work. The minority will always chafe and complain about oppression whether real or imagined. Multicultural empires are fragile and can only be held together by brute force and suppression like in Russia and China. On the other hand ethnostates such as Japan and South Korea tend to be relatively peaceful. One cannot be an empire and an ethnostate at the same time and Europeans and Americans are finding out the hard way.
A glimmer of hope?
Orania is an Afrikaner only town in South Africa. There are about 3000 white Afrikaners in Orania. They do their own labour. There are no black garderners and domestic workers there. The sad thing about Orania is that it should have been done sooner. If white South Africans had done their own labour from the get go, South Africa would look like Australia. If Europeans did their own work today the Caribbean islands would be like Europe. But alas, laziness and greedy have led Europe to its darkest hour.
Europe has survived plagues, famines, world wars and violent invasions. But time will tell if they will survive their own misplaced altruism and their need to assimilate foreigners and turn them into English and French citizens. If history repeats itself it seems Europe will go the way of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. Today Egypt and Greece are a former shadow of themselves. The descendants have fallend from grace and are not as mighty as their ancestors. Spain and Portugal are no longer great empires. Was it because of race mixing or other complex reasons? If Arthur Kemp is right then it was interbreeding with non-whites that spelt doom for European civilisations. Time may prove him right or wrong. Is he a racist bigot or a realist prophet? Is he the voice in the wilderness that no one cares to listen to? Will Europeans disappear into the evolutionary dust bin like Neanderthals? Only time will tell.
If you are interest in learning more about Arthur Kemp, check out this video below.
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